Stuck in a Lot of Paperwork and Want to Automate
Your Business Operations?

Automate chimney sweep operations

FieldCamp is the one-stop solution for all your job scheduling-related problems. It digitizes 90% of your business operations like job scheduling, dispatching, invoicing, payments, and reporting.

It helps you eradicate paperwork. So, forget manual job scheduling; all you need to do is prepare and import an excel sheet of cleaners and jobs. Chimney sweep scheduling software will automatically schedule jobs according to the availability of sweepers.

Opt For One Software, Get Multiple Benefits

With FieldCamp, you can easily manage your business and perform all your crucial tasks. Also, you can save hours of spare time and utilize it further for other important tasks. So, FieldCamp not only automates your business operations, but also helps you save time.

multiple jobs01

Scheduling jobs is a messy task, as there is a lot to consider, like the availability of sweepers, job timings, work type, priorities, and much more.

  • Save up to 95% of job scheduling time using chimney sweep business software.
  • Import excel sheet, set job date and timings, and you are all set to dispatch sweepers.
  • Using FieldCamp, avoid overbooking, underbooking, or double booking.

 Schedule multiple jobs
One click dispatch

One-click dispatch02

Dispatching sweepers has been made easy by chimney sweep dispatching software. Now, you can dispatch sweepers in just a few clicks using FieldCamp.

  • Dispatch sweepers immediately after you
    schedule jobs.
  • Modify and reschedule jobs according to priority.
  • Distribute tasks among the sweepers evenly.

Instant invoicing and payments03

Giving frequent payment reminders to clients is the most hectic work in any business. Also, keeping track could be another trouble. But, with FieldCamp, now you don’t need to worry about payments.

  • Generate customizable invoices just after job
  • Mention due dates to ensure on-time payments.
  • Accept payments in 3 modes: Cash, cheque, and Stripe.
Chimney sweep invoicing software
Chimney sweep reporting software

Reporting and live job status04

To ensure smooth business processes, you must keep updated about various company data and analytics, and FieldCamp knows it better.

  • Generate reports of your workers’ performance, company’s P & L status, and payment status.
  • Take necessary steps where there’s a scope for improvement.
  • The team tracking feature helps you track your workers’ activity to ensure maximum productivity.

Team tracking05

It is necessary to keep a record of your sweepers’ activities to make sure there’s no time wastage from their side that affects your company’s performance.

  • The team tracking feature helps you get the latest location once the sweepers update their job status.
  • It lets you make sure they are at the exact location where they should be or have faked the job status.
  • Team tracking help sweepers maintain and improve their productivity.
Chimney cleaners team tracking software
Adopt smart ways to transform chimney sweep business

Adopt Smart Ways to Transform
Your Chimney Sweep Business

Use FieldCamp to schedule jobs and save up to 95% of job scheduling time. Get a 7-day FREE TRIAL to explore all the features of FIeldCamp.

Frequently asked questions

Job scheduling software enables you to schedule all your jobs easier and faster without pen-paper. It avoids double booking, over booking, and under booking and helps you execute other business operations smoothly.

Yes, you can create sharable customized invoices and add your company’s name and logo. To make sure you get timely payments, you can also add a due date to the invoices.

To make sure your data is safe and sound with us, we use state-of-art encryption. You can set a PIN to access your account, so you do not need to log in or out from your account every time.

Worried About Your Company’s Performance?
Opt for FieldCamp and generate various reports to know your workers’ and company’s performance and identify the lacking areas to upgraph your numbers.