How to Make a Tree Service Business Plan?

A tree service business plan will be your blueprint document with details essential to starting your firm. It will not just be the guide for you to plan out your tree removal services but will also help you market your brand and make profits. 

Following up on a strict business plan will keep you prepared to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. 

The need for it is inevitable for commencing with a tree service business, but many entrepreneurs are unaware of how to write or prepare it. 

Therefore, they end up rushing the process and missing out on some crucial factors that must be present in a tree service business plan. So, to ensure that you don’t make those mistakes, here is a brief understanding of how to create one.

How to Create a Tree Service Business Plan?

Tee service businesses need to focus on the key elements they need to add to their business plan. Below are the sections that they must add to their plan in the given order to explain their business better:

Step 1: Add an Executive Summary of your business

The first thing that your business plan should have is the executive summary of the tree service company. Remember, this should not exceed over a page, as your investors might not want to stretch a lot on this point in specific.

You must add statistical information about the need for a tree service business in your area or the country. Explain the profitability expectation from your business by highlighting the industry’s growth in the past decade.

Touch the point on how residential or commercial properties in your city are looking for long-term contractual tree removal services with proven surveys. It will help give a motive to your business, and investors would like to invest in a motive-oriented business rather than just any random tree care business plan.

Moreover, it will be the section where you introduce any partner you have. Explain your unique selling proposition (USP), which differs you from the plethora of tree service businesses that already exist in your competitive arena. 

Step 2: Give the Business Overview

The next section in your tree care business plan will be the business overview. Here, you will be highlighting the business-specific details.

You must explain the business structure to the investors here by mentioning whether your company is a corporation firm, sole proprietorship, corporation, or LLC. Following that, add your legal brand name and the trade.

In the next line, you should mention the contact details of your tree removal company along with your website address and social media platforms. You should mention the business type as tree care business. End up this section by mentioning the date of registering the company. 

Step 3: Add a Business Description or Service Offerings section

You can either name this section a business description or refer to it as ‘Services Offered’. The tree service companies mostly offer tree trimming, tree maintenance, tree cutting, tree pruning, and tree removal services. 

A tree removal service provider would also offer the removal of excessive or dead trees and transplantation services. In addition to your service explanation, make sure you also highlight your initiative toward maintaining the environment. 

Do mention that you and your team intend to grow healthy trees to lessen the adverse impacts of urbanization around the area. Explain how planting and caring for trees would help the environment trap the air pollutants and reduce energy demands. 

If you are approaching this section as ‘Business Description’, then you need to extend this section from here and highlight the goals of your tree removal business. Investors need to know how you plan to scale your business before they can spend their money on you. 

Step 4: Add the Mission and Vision section

It might seem an obvious inclusion in a business plan, but a mandatory section should be unique for your business operations. Spend some time, effort, and creativity while writing the mission and vision of your business. 

Explain what you plan on doing for your clients and the staff members. You should also mention the kind of contribution and the positive impact you could make on the tree care industry association. Let the investors know that you prioritize the clients’ requests and concerns. 

You must mention that you thrive on satisfaction from the property owners during and after the execution of the tree trimming and tree removal services. Explain your business mission with the Green Nation Initiative (GNI) program. Convey information on how you are giving life to one of the most crucial resources of Earth. 

Step 5: Include a Market Analysis and Marketing Plan section

Market analysis:

The market analysis is the section for tree service providers to explain their target customers. You might be willing to offer services to residential, commercial, or both types of property owners. So, this is the section where you must add your business focus. 

To make this section worth it, you must thoroughly analyze fields by talking to potential customers and gathering enough details on how competitors function in the market. Learn about the area with a shortage of tree trimming services, and people are forced to wait for a local business to attend to their requests. 

In such areas, there is a good opportunity for you to set up your tree care company and start offering quality tree services to the locals. Mention these details in the analysis and all the other factual considerations you had to make before starting your new tree trimming business. 

You should also note what might affect your business negatively along with the demanding factors. Suppose the competitors’ tree removal businesses are shutting down around your locality, then try to assess the reasons behind it. 

Mention the same in your market analysis section of the business plan to elaborate on why you didn’t plan to start your own tree service business in that area. 

End this section with a short explanation of your strength and weakness analysis. Elaborate your knowledge about the industry and the use of respective tools. Mention the weaknesses in funding, volunteer involvement, lack of human resources, and others. 

At the same time, you must also mention what you plan to do to overcome these weaknesses in the long run. 

Marketing plan:

You might be best at offering your tree trimming and removal services, but your service quality is of no use if you can’t market your tree service business

Therefore, when writing this section of your business plan, ensure to include the marketing ideology you intend to follow. 

Briefly explain how you are willing to use social media, digital marketing, referral programs, and other such marketing measures for your brand’s growth. 

Every successful business needs a strong marketing plan to thrive. If you cannot convince the investors about how you intend to widen your business, they might not be interested in investing in you. 

Step 6: Mention the Plan to Hire section

In this section, you should mention from which year you are planning to start hiring team members for your new business. Suppose you plan to hire staff members from the company’s second year. In that case, you must mention the designations you are about to include in your company. 

You can mention your intent to hire:

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Tree surgeons
  • Admin manager
  • HR manager
  • Accounts manager
  • Business accountants
  • Climbers
  • Security guard
  • Service supervisors

Explain their skills, duties, and responsibilities to help investors understand your approach with team management skills. In the end, you should also mention which designation you are planning to hire immediately and which of the ones on the list is in the hiring plan.

An accounts manager, tree surgeon, and admin are important for the business because you need to handle your accounting system, while all of the tree services should be delivered on time. 

You cannot do all the jobs alone, especially with rising service requests. Consider mentioning this sense of immediate requirement for your small business in the plan. 

Step 7: The Financial Plans section

If you are requesting funds from a bank, then the banker would come down to this section to determine if your small business is profitable or not. If you have a business bank account with them, they will already track the income and profit flow in the name of your business. 

Irrespective of whether you are approaching the same bank or a different one, you should be very precise in this section. You should mention three sub-sections here, which include:

  • Start-up costs

    Explain the start-up costs, including basic general liability insurance, business license, permits, separate business insurance, marketing, equipment, and other such costs. 

  • Income and expense forecasts

    Give your income and expense predictions in the business plan. The way you want to price the services and the number of requests you expect to book in a month. Mention such details to further explain your business idea.

  • Break-even point

    Determine the break-even point of your business where your expense and income will probably match. With proper analysis, you can predict this for your small business. 

Step 8: Add the Summary

The final section you will add to your tree removal business plan is the summary. Here, you will again highlight your: 

  • Business proposition
  • The vision towards why your tree trimming or tree removal business will work over the competitors
  • Funding needs

Make a good pitch for the investors at the end and thank them for showing interest and reading your business plan till the end.

Benefits of Tree Service Business Plan

Now that you have a complete idea of how to create a blueprint or plan to start a tree care business, some of you might still have questions about why you need it. So, here are a couple of benefits for you to explain why a blueprint or plan is important to start a tree business:

1. Helps with funding needs

The business plans with detailed information about your approach towards the business idea will help convince the investors to spend on you. You must agree that starting a tree care business needs a good flow of initial capital for getting the equipment, hiring employees, and managing the overheads. 

Therefore, prepare the tree trimming business plan and pitch your investors behalf of it. It doesn’t matter if you offer just one service or a plethora of tree care services; make sure your blueprint reflects the same. 

2. Determines your focus on business execution

As a business owner or arborist, you must execute your services with a proper plan, without which your odds of succeeding will be less. The plan is more like a roadmap for you to chase your goals. It will help you keep track of how and when the business grows. 

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As an average estimation, the tree service companies in the US earn around $540,000 to $1,150,000. It is stated by the US Department of Labor and National Association of Landscape Professionals.

Here are a few ways with which you can advertise or market your tree business are:

  • Listing your business over the online directories
  • Implement online marketing for your brand 
  • Use social media marketing
  • Run Google local service ads
  • Use traditional marketing measures.

FieldCamp Can Add a Convincing Pitch to your Business Plans

Local businesses all across the world are now advancing with technological implementations. So, why can’t you digitize your tree care business with modern solutions?

The dedicated section of your business plan where you describe your business processes can include using digital tree service business software to assign tasks to employees, attend to service requests, create business invoices, and store customer details. 

It will develop a positive impression of your brand in front of the investors, and they will like to learn more about how you use it. 

FieldCamp is a job scheduling software that allows you to run and manage your business tasks seamlessly over a digital portal. You can check the availability of employees and assign them tasks in just one click. 

After that, you can also track the progress of the jobs and send invoices directly to the customers in a matter of seconds. You can try FieldCamp and explore its features in a and decide how it would benefit the growth of your business. 

Author Bio

Gaurang Bhatt

Gaurang Bhatt is a techie in himself with an ability to solve problems technically and present solutions in the form of a product. He is one of the pioneers to curate FieldCamp with his 15+ years of knowledge and expertise in providing solutions to home service industries. Gaurang aims to overcome challenges faced by service business owners through software solutions and blogs.